The No #1 Thing All Smart Investors Do When Buying Property Being a successful, smart property investor means asking a lot of questions, all the time. Making a decision about whether or not to buy a property is never just about asking the question, “Is this a good...
TWF 28 – Pam Brook on Family, Career & Brookfarm Show notes Pam Brook is co-founder of Brookfarm, a family business based in Byron Bay, New South Wales. Together with her husband, Martin Brook, she has transformed a rundown, weed-infested dairy farm into a...
Got Property but Still Not Wealthy? How To Generate Riches From Real Estate The primary reason to invest in property is to become wealthy enough to live the life you want, right? Many property investors want to know how they can generate a level of riches from real...
TWF 27 – The Golden Nuggets of Wealth Show notes It’s been a bumper few months on The Wealth Faculty and we haven’t come up for her to process all the wisdom shared with my guests over the last few months. Today is the day we do that! I bring on the show’s...
TWF 26 – Tim Robards on Success, Self Doubt & Smiling Show notes A really interesting and inspiring chat for you today! From dealing with self doubt, balancing work and family, investing in property and even some acting tips, this conversation with Tim...