Why Debt Is Your Ultimate Secret Weapon To Property Investing Success There are two sides to debt. Bad debt is the most obvious and easy to accumulate. It’s tied up in your credit card, your car loan, and any other consumer debt you’ve taken on that will depreciate...
Are You Going To Be a Property Investor or Property Trader? When it comes to building a property portfolio, I often find there is overarching confusion surrounding different types of strategies and actions related to real estate. What I’m talking about is property...
How Smart Investors Use TAX To Pay for Their Properties Picture this: You’re a current homeowner looking to dip into the property investment market. Financially, you’re earning $100k a year and you know you will be able to purchase a property with the equity you’ve...
How To Measure Your Success as a Property Investor? There is no one true measure of success when it comes to property investing. Yield, growth, cash return, more properties, more income, more satisfaction… The list goes on. How you choose to measure your own success...
TWF 31 – Sam Saggers on Wealth, Poverty & Real Estate Show notes On today’s episode I have the good fortune of interviewing my dear friend and business partner for the past 18 years, Sam Saggers. Without doubt one of our country’s brightest minds when it...